Detailed Product Description
1. Package MBR Equipment with PVDF material membrane
2. Touch Screen and PLC Control system
3. Ready for Opeartion Plant
Package MBR Plant for wastewater treatment and recycling
Based on LITREE immersed membrane unit
LITREEcompany is biggest hollow fiber UF membrane manufacturer in China, weprovide quality pressure vessel UF module, integrated UF purifyingequipment, immersed membrane for MBR system, and we are also the firstbrand in Chinese residential UF filter market.
Advantages of MBR system:
MBRtechnics isa perfect integration by membrane separation technology andnormalbiological treatment. Instead traditional secondary sedimentationtank, sand filter tank by capillary hollow fiber UF membrane, andtheeffluent water quality can match reclaimed water reuse orReverseOsmosis input water standard. MBR system is very suitable forhighdischarge standard water treatment plant and old plantupgrades, transformation.
Technical instruction:
1. Compact system with LJ1E-1500 immersed membrane, SUS304 membrane tank, control PLC & touch screen, suction pump, backwash pump, air compressor and blower. Can realize automatically operation and clean.
2. Recirculated MBR system without biological treatment, the biological treatment should carried out before MBR.
3. System does not including backwash tank; And the MBR tank, system host and pipe network are dismounted for delivery. User should assemble and install on site based on the provided mounting diagram.
4. The whole system should consider a fine screen (2mm) as pretreatment, and a hair collector as per-filter in domestic wastewater treatment.